This was a project I started during the pandemic but life interrupted and I never got a chance to get back to it. Hopefully I can finish it one day. Currently there are issues such as:

  • Audio Issue: In the WebGL version the sound does not work. I am not sure why that is since the sound works fine for both the Windows and MacOS versions. I have tried three different submissions to with audio buffers altered but to no avail.
  • If you are downloading for MacOS this game was built on Windows but I did use the applescript droplet to allow it to run on MacOS 11.3.1. I have also included the droplet in the zip file for convenience but you will need to go to system preferences > Security & Privacy and then choose "open anyway" once for the applescript droplet and then again for the game. You will need your admin password both times. Apple will give a warning that the file is damaged but that's not correct. The issue seems to be that Windows does not properly create the resource forks that Apple expects. 


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